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Membership fees support the mission of the Creston Valley Arts Council, which is to increase access to and support awareness of the arts from Yahk to Riondel.


As a member of the Creston Valley Arts Council, visual artists, performance artists, organizations and local businesses benefit from our community and resources.


Visual and performance artists and groups, as well as members' galleries and other venues are profiled online with a short bio and links to websites and social profiles.  As well, artist events are spotlighted on our website and Facebook pages.


Members will receive periodic emails which include Calls for Artists, Events and Volunteer opportunities.


If you prefer, you can mail a cheque to:

Creston Valley Arts Council

Box 464

Creston, BC

V0B 1G1


Please include an email address and any internet links you'd like us to share.


Choose your pricing plan

  • Single

  • Family

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